Title: Tomorrow Girls: Behind the Gates Pages: 313
Author: Eva Gray Source: Luxury Reading
Publisher: Scholastic Paperbacks Published: May 1, 2011
Series: Tomorrow Girls #1 Purchase: Amazon
Rating: 3 out of 5
Louisa lives in a world plagued with war. Nothing is the same, and it seems nothing will ever be the same again.
In order to protect her and her friend Maddie, Louisa's parents send them to a boarding school called Country Manor School, where they have to pretend to be twin sisters. But when they arrive, things just start getting weirder and weirder. First, they have to hand over all electronics and jewelry for "safe keeping." They are told that there are no phone towers or anything to power their electronics. No phone service, television service, or internet service.
Then, they are repeatedly called the "girls of Tomorrow" and are taught outdoor surviving skills like sharp shooting, archery, making a fire, and foraging for edible plants and berries. Louisa is enjoying all these new and exciting things to do, but Maddie is not.
Maddie becomes friends with a conspiracy theorist, Evelyn and starts feeding into all the theories that Evelyn spouts off. Maddie starts believing that CMS is not quite what it seems, either.
So are they just paranoid? Or is there something else going on?
I hadn't heard much about Tomorrow Girls: Behind the Gates, but I decided to give it a shot anyway, because the premise sounded very intriguing. I'm quite glad I did.
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I give Tomorrow Girls: Behind the Gates a 3 out of 5.
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